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Dorothy's Jun 2022 Litter: Going Home

Time flies by so quickly! Dorothy’s litter of Labradoodle puppies, born on June 27, 2022, is ready to go home to the newest members of the Clifton Ranch Doodles family. Watching these new puppies grow and then be adopted into their new homes is a beautiful, although bittersweet, process. We are filled with joy for these families that are welcoming these sweet little puppies into their homes.

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Photo: The Labradoodle puppies are eager to meet their new families!

And So It Begins...

The most difficult part of raising Labradoodles and Goldendoodles is getting ready for delivery. I can’t help but shed a tear when this day finally arrives. From the time one of our mommy dogs conceives, I spend the next nine weeks of my life cautiously looking after our sweet mother-to-be. Making sure she is loved on just a little extra is one of my primary goals, especially since they can become “clingy” as the the time of whelping approaches. Also, I am always making sure that the other members of the Doodle Gang don’t play too rough around her, and that she has all of the extra nourishment she needs for her developing babies.

When her expected date is near, I will check her temperature twice a day to help predict when labor will begin. When the time is close, I sleep in the same room with our expectant mother so that no matter the time of day or night that labor may begin, I am nearby to assist and comfort her.

After the birth of the new litter of puppies, and throughout the following eight weeks, I am there all of the time to look after and care for the mom and her litter of puppies. Every morning for the first six weeks, I weigh the puppies to make sure they are steadily gaining weight in case something needs to be adjusted. And of course, I clean A LOT. I am always changing linens in the whelping box, and later in the new nursery, to be sure the puppies have a clean and healthy start. We spend a lot of time loving and cuddling with each of the puppies so that they feel loved and nurtured from the beginning. From week two onward, we load up all of the puppies for vet visits every two weeks. And, starting around three weeks, I help the mom to begin weaning the puppies by preparing special food and milk replacer for the puppies several times a day. It is also a time of adjustment for the mom to stop being with the puppies 24 hours a day. Did I mention that I clean A LOT?!

Then It Comes...

Before you know it, it comes, the day that I have to say goodbye. Now, I must turn over this little life that we have loved and cared for to their new family. We do so with gladness, trusting that they will love and care for this innocent little creature that God has so perfectly created to bring joy into their lives. And I believe that too…God knows exactly how many puppies He will allow to come into this world. He knows exactly the family that will end up with each precious puppy. And, He entrusted us to be a part of that process.

Photo: Just a little love to go!

I pray for each our puppies and their new families, asking God to bless each of them and our precious puppies with a life full of joy!

Thanks for letting us Share the Joy of Doodles with you.

-- Christine, Aug 22, 2022

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