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Week 4: Real Food is Satisfying!

Updated: Mar 10, 2022

Thanks for following along as we focus on a puppy’s first eight weeks. Week 4 has been another week of growth and learning as the Goldendoodle puppies discovered “real food.” They’re doing great!

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Goldendoodle puppies in a stroller

Photo: The Goldendoodle puppies are in their stroller waiting to see the vet.

Field Trip to the Vet!

This week, the Goldendoodle puppies have continued to grow and learn, and they also got to go on a field trip to the vet. This was their second visit, and our vet gave us a good report; they’re all doing great! One of the things we discussed with her is that Ellie Mae has been more reluctant to feed since they have sharp claws and new teeth starting to be visible. The vet suggested giving them some puppy formula from a bowl, and then if that goes well, soften hard food and pour the formula over it. Well, all I can say is that it went very well!

At first, the little puppies really didn’t know what to think of the bowls, but they knew what the formula was. They stuck their noses in it, then they stood in the bowl, then they turned the bowls over! It was a mess, but so cute, kind of like a one-year old digging into their birthday cake. After a couple of days, we took it to the next level, with the softened food and puppy formula poured over the top. The Goldendoodle puppies loved it! They ate and ate, and then they were so satisfied, they fell fast asleep. Their weight continues to be healthy and following the expected gains.

Photo: TIme for a nap after lunch!

Personalities are Growing

As week 4 comes to an end, we continue to watch and learn how their personalities are growing and becoming more distinguishable. Some are forward, others sit back, but all of them are really sweet. They continue to get along well together and play, play, play. We make a point to hold each one several times a day and let them have one-on-one time with Ellie Mae and with us. We want them to feel loved and special, which will translate into being more adjusted to go and be a part of their new family when the time comes.

Thanks for catching up on the Goldendoodle puppies’ progress this week. We’re excited to see how they continue to learn and grow during week 5. We are so excited that together, we are Sharing the Joy of Doodles!

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